Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Clinical Pharmacogenetics Implementation Consortium

Question: Discuss about the Clinical Pharmacogenetics Implementation Consortium. Answer: Introduction In recent time the Healthcare systems across the whole world is undergoing changes (Willis, Reynolds Keleher, 2016). Various up gradation to the prevalent systems are being performed to overcome the various challenges regarding various issues such as, variable statics obtained from the patients, technological changes and increase in the service cost of the healthcare institutions. The report is generally concerned with the problems in, My Health Record and providing suitable solutions to it. The report contains the analysis of My Healthcare record, the problems faced in it and provides recommendations to resolve the issues. Background of My Health Record My Health Record is basically a system that records the data regarding healthcare electronically (Hemsley et al., 2016). It is an alternative of keeping the records of the healthcare system across the whole world documented I papers. The system keeps track of a persons health record till present date. It would help the healthcare institutes to collect, use and handle information effectively. Australia has made a huge investment in the implementation of this project. Funding of the project has been approved. The Commonwealth Government of Australia is looking to digitize the healthcare system (Dowding Lewis, 2013). But the problems faced in the project are: The population of Australia is increasing with time. It has been revealed that by 2053, 21% of the total population of Australia would be aged around 65. With the population of the aged people increasing day by the maintaining the well-being of the population as well is becoming a serious issue. In addition to this, with a challenging budget maintaining the cost efficiency is also becoming a serious issue. Cost for Technology: The technology has been upgraded and helped in protecting many patients from various chronic diseases. But, for implementing such efficient technology into the process a huge amount of money is to be spent. The cost of the technology that the government has to bear would create additional pressure on the government and the budget would overburden them. Australia has made very efficient breakthroughs in their impressive medical history. But, the health care sector needs to perform more accurate and expansive researches on certain diseases that have come up in recent times in Australia. But, they lack such data to perform the various kinds of researches. The Population of Australia is facing various difficulties as most of the non-affluent population are not provided the required healthcare facilities, but the affluent population is getting all the advantages in this situation (Hemsley et al., 2017). This results in the morality prospect and variable life expectancy of distinct sects of population. Capabilities of My Health Record The Healthcare Record system is capable of overcoming the various issues that are being faced now. It helps to maintain the record of the patients, solve the demographic issues, list all the medications and provide notes and documents related to clinical diseases (Caudle et al., 2014). It also helps to record documents for external diseases, and also provide some protocols, plans for personalized care for the patients and some additional guidelines for the patients for these external diseases. The system also provides instructions and safety guidelines for the aged people and for those who live alone. It also provides certain facilities such as Reminders, Notifications and collection of specimens. It will also provide some authentication facilities for the patients and safeguard their data about their health. Benefits of My Health record The Healthcare Records would be enhancing the quality of the services provide by the healthcare system and will be reducing the probability of medical errors (Woods et al., 2013). It will also optimize the overall operational costs, enhancing the performance of the healthcare systems. In addition to this it would be much cost efficient as several errors in billing technique and many other unavoidable costs can be eliminated. This would also help the overall population of the country in overcoming the severe effects of the epidemics as this would provide the government with all the related information s regarding a particular disease. This also make many organization clinically aware. This would also spread the awareness among the common people. The cost of testing the patients in several areas for a particular diseases can be reduced as most of the diseases can identified by tracking the symptoms and by simply checking the past record of the patients. As a result this provides all ty pe of facilities within a single system which enables proper workflow and a good management of knowledge. Conclusion For conclusion, it can be said that the Healthcare Record system will be a very efficient tool which would help to digitize the healthcare systems in Australia. However there are many problems that have arisen with development of the system. Firstly, the government would have to bear a huge cost for implementation of the system and secondly the system is projected to benefit the population with age on the higher side, but this is only 21% of the population. However, these are very minor issues and can be easily overcome very easily. In addition to this, the Healthcare Record would provide various other benefits such as it would make the healthcare organization as well as the common people more aware of the chronic diseases and provide guidelines about how to tackle them. Moreover, it would also be very cost efficient as it would reduce the cost of treatment to a great extent. This would provide all type of facilities within a single system which enables proper workflow and a good man agement of knowledge. Refrrences Caudle, K. E., Hoffman, J. M., Whirl-Carrillo, M., Haidar, C. E., Crews, K. R., Klein, T. E., Relling, M. V. (2014). The clinical pharmacogenetics implementation consortium (cpic): facilitating the adoption of pharmacogenetics into routine clinical practice and the electronic health record.Pharmacotherapy: The Journal Of Human Pharmacology And Drug Therapy,34(10), e251-e252. Dowding, K., Lewis, C. (2013).Ministerial Careers and Accountability in the Australian Commonwealth Government. ANU Press. Hemsley, B., Georgiou, A., Carter, R., Hill, S., Higgins, I., van Vliet, P., Balandin, S. (2016). Use of the My Health Record by people with communication disability in Australia: A review to inform the design and direction of future research.Health Information Management Journal,45(3), 107-115. Hemsley, B., McCarthy, S., Adams, N., Georgiou, A., Hill, S., Balandin, S. (2017). Legal, ethical, and rights issues in the adoption and use of the My Health Record by people with communication disability in Australia.Journal of Intellectual Developmental Disability, 1-9. Willis, E., Reynolds, L., Keleher, H. (Eds.). (2016).Understanding the Australian health care system. Elsevier Health Sciences. Woods, S. S., Schwartz, E., Tuepker, A., Press, N. A., Nazi, K. M., Turvey, C. L., Nichol, W. P. (2013). Patient experiences with full electronic access to health records and clinical notes through the My HealtheVet Personal Health Record Pilot: qualitative study.Journal of medical Internet research,15(3), e65.

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