Sunday, December 29, 2019

Odysseus And A War At Troy - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 2 Words: 724 Downloads: 4 Date added: 2019/04/01 Category Literature Essay Level High school Tags: Odyssey Essay Did you like this example? In the odyssey by Homer the hero Odysseus leaves his home to battle in a war at Troy. It takes him 10 years to get back as he undergoes various battles internally and externally in his fight to eventually get his long awaited return. In the movie O Brother Where Art Thou the three main characters/hero’s Everett McGill, Pete Hogwallop, and Delmar O’Donnell escape from a place where they seem to be trapped with many other people in their battle to return home. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Odysseus And A War At Troy" essay for you Create order Both the movie and the book share many similarities and differences. A couple of the differences include the settings, and the number of the main characters/heroes. A couple of similarities between the two include the pursuit of material reward, and many adventures. One of the differences Between the story and the movie is setting. The odyssey happens hundreds of years ago, when the movie takes place recently in the 1930’s. The difference in time brings up different morals, values, and ethics. Odysseus had honor and people thought very highly of him. In Odysseus’s time dying in war was a respected death. In the movie the main characters seemed to have no honor due to the fact that they were in trouble with the law. When they eventually make it home they seemed like they were well off in life yet none of them had gone to war. Their was also a difference in morals, ethics, and values with McGills wife and penelope. McGill’s wife got engaged to another man, while Penelope didn’t remarry after 10 years because she never knew if Odysseus was dead. Penelope also had many suitors asking for her hand in marriage. When Odysseus gets back he is happy to see that Penelope has stayed faithful he then he decides kills all of the s uitors. When McGill returns home and sees that his wife is engaged to another man, he then punches his wife’s fiancà © and gives her wedding band back(taking her hand back in marriage). In the Odyssey, there is one main character being Odysseus. In the movie O Brother, Where Art Thou McGill, Hogwallop and O’Donnell are each a main character. The characters in the book and movie are built with different backbones. Odysseus had a very well rounded and built up life, on top of being well respected with a high social status. He was rich in his time owning servants/workers, and many animals. In the movie the characters were criminals owning an average amount of things for their time, with almost no one knowing them giving them a little to no social status. This is one of the bigger differences between the book and movie because Odysseus was known for his good deeds and the trio were known for their misdeeds. There are many similarities between the book and the movie, including the plot, journey’s, and themes. In both stories the hero/characters share the strong want to return home. In the beginning Odysseus and the trio are healed captive. Towards the end of the movie and book all of the characters/hero’s end up floating on water in tough conditions. Odysseus was floating on strong water because he had angered poseidon. One of the things that poseidon did to help stop odysseus from getting home was tearing his raft up to pieces, this forced Odysseus to try to swim to shore. The trio were floating on strong water that was being used to create a dam. There are many other similarities between the book and the movie. One of them being the fact that the main characters had their future foretold. Theoclymenus had told Odysseus future and the blind clairvoyant for the trio. Another similarity is when Odysseus and his men had to escape from the cyclops Polyphemus, the trio had to escape from Big Dan Teague. One of the biggest similarity is all four men had to battle the sirens or resist them. In the end there are many similarities and differences between Homer’s book and O Brother Where Art Thou. After reading and watching both the book and the movie I now see similarities with other text as well. To conclude I look forward to seeing new similarities and finding other books that are similar to what other movies.

Friday, December 20, 2019

The Importance of Ethics in Public and Private Accounting Research Paper

Essays on The Importance of Ethics in Public and Private Accounting Research Paper Ethics in Public AND pRIVATE Acounting The paper discusses the need of ethics in the profession of accountancy and the importance of ethics in the profession especially the public and private accounting firms which are involved in the audit and other accounting related tasks. Ethics Ethics is defined as the set of rules and conduct which is acknowledged with regards to a certain group of people and their actions within their circle which is acceptable and appreciated. (Dictionary) The ethics also embody the best practices and the behavior which are undertaken for the benefit of the people at large. Accounting Ethics The theme of ethics in accounting is concerned with the moral values and judgmental decisions which involve people in the profession of accountancy or working with an accounting agency that has to deal with it daily during their practice. (Hald) The profession of accountancy can be put to use as a means of studying the reasons that a business might succeed or be unsuccessful, however the foremost importance is when it comes up to the public services; people who work as accounting professionals must make decisions based on their judgments which can from time to time surpass the welfare of their clients and the profession as a whole in agreement of the welfare of the public. Importance of Ethics Ethics are significant all through the world of business; however they are particularly essential for the people involved in the profession of accountancy as well as the practices of accounting. Generally, it is due to the fact that accounting and the related tasks such as the audit involve dealing a lot more with figures, facts and data compared to any other area of the business. This means that there is little room for perception and the consequences of unethical actions are much more extensive. (Lacoma) Ethics in the profession of accounting are of greatest significance. At the present, as the business world is adopting global accounting practices and other standards of auditing, it has become more essential to stick to certain Codes of Ethics and Principles based on the best practices as approved by both the global and national bodies of accountancy. Public and Private Accounting There is a distinction between the basic kinds of the accountants which are grouped in to two broad categories i.e. the public and private accountants. Certified or Chartered Accountants such as CPA or CA are referred as public accountants who present their services to the public at large and due to that fact the lumber of ethics is greater for the public accountants, as the work they perform is used by several others and therefore it should be upright. Accountants who occupy positions in managing or financial positions stick to some guidelines based on ethics arranged by Institute of Management Accountants, and such accountants who are employed for the internal management in a particular corporation adhere to code of ethics provided by the Institute of Internal Auditors. Importance in Public Firms It is of the extreme significance that the public trust the accountants and the accounting which is conducted by them is the financial future of the investors and other people associated with the finances, and their business or families, could be threatened. (Hald) Accountants working in the public firms are independent advisors of the business of which the public are the general stakeholder. They usually present widespread services to the companies. They can also be auditors and can be involved in setting up the accounting systems of the client or involved in providing advisory services regarding tax planning, or even a frauds and error detector. He can also be involved in analysis of financial statement and making budgets, advising their clients regarding financial decisions and providing expert information on maintenance of environment based in best practices of ethics. Hence, the need to be objective as well as independent comes from the following of the code. (Saeed) Public Accountants working in the audit and other consultancy firs have to follow the code of ethics in order to ensure the compliance with norms of public reporting as the public relies upon the information which is certified and audited by them. Importance in Private Firms The private firms can be private companies that are stakeholders are not the public at large and therefore not a lot is at stake for the public. However, the ethics and the ethical practices are equally important as the product or services offered are to be used by the public nonetheless. The private firms or companies should follow the ethical standards and the best practices with regards to their accounting and the accountants should present a true and fair picture of their accounting record. Even though the private companies are not accountable to the public directly but they still have to adhere to the ethics and ethical principles when it comes to the accenting as the shareholders, being private individuals, have put their trust on the accountants to provide them the true picture of their financial statements and their accounts to ensure accountability and profitability. Consequences of lack of Ethics in accounting When the ethical standards fail to apply to accounting it gives the chance for exploitation of facts and figures which, if employed to delude, may result in a person investing under forged presumptions, or a company to fraudulently characterize its finances in front of its shareholders and other users of their financial date. Not only the general public is at stake but the private individuals who are stakeholders of the private firms and companies may also be mislead through deceitful use of accounting. Conclusion Ethics in accounting is not merely significant for private companies or persons for trustworthy information regarding the relevant states of finances but it is also accountable to the public at large for provision of clear assessment of business entities which are held publicly. Ethics in accounting can aid in elimination of the issues which are raised as partial or untrue information about business is spread and saves money and helps to increase steadiness in the financial markets. Bibliography Dictionary., 2012. "Definition"., 2012. Web. May 3, 2012. . Hald, Tim H. "Accounting Ethics." Ezine, 2008. Web. May 4, 2012 Lacoma, Tyler. "Why Are Ethics Important in the Field of Accounting." eHow. Demand Media, Inc., n.d. Web. May 3, 2012 Saeed, Ghazala. "Ethics For Professional Accountants." Ezine, 29 May 2010. Web. May 4, 2012

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Short Descriptive Going to Airport free essay sample

The ringing of my alarm clock awoke me, it was 5:30 am and I was about to go on holiday for a week, I was very excited because I had never been on a plane before and I was looking forward to taking a break because of the SATs I had just recently done. When I got out of my bed I slowly stumbled towards the bathroom, I still felt half asleep and slightly bewildered. I get in the shower and sharply twist it on high, As I get out I feel awake and ready for the long journey ahead. I go into my room to put some clothes on, and grab my suitcase to put into the car. As I carry it down, I made sure I had some magazines to read because we had a 2 hour drive to the airport. I clamber into the car and put my headphones in and It felt like I could hear the sound waves in my head. We will write a custom essay sample on Short Descriptive Going to Airport or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page I led down and started to fall asleep again. I woke up at about 7 at a service station, I felt quite disorientated. I go inside and head towards the shop, I bought a drink and some chewing gum. We went to get some petrol and then headed towards the airport. The clouds seemed to part and the sun started to shine through. The mist in the air was crisp and clean. We arrive at the airport and go to the parking area, The airport was a massive metal complex it was full of business men and people rushing around, we went to the ticket desk and had to wait in a queue of about 20 people, It seemed very tedious so I was reading my magazines to try and kill some time. As we check in we queue to go through the metal detector, There were alot of police around that area with guns at their sides, as we approach the metal detector, i walk through it almost anticipating it to bleep. but it didnt. i briefly look around and carry on walking